Yesterday I took a lunch break at the botanical gardens. Excited to see the camellias in bloom in the conservatory, I practically ran there once I parked only to find that "the conservatory is closed for renovation until further notice". Not to be deterred, I walked through the gardens to the back of the building, passing the camellias planted outside in bloom.
Through those pathways is a back entrance to the conservatory. Closed back there, too. I could just peer in and see the camellias blooming away in their warm retreat. Such a disappointment.
As I was weaving back to the front, I came across these plants so beautifully wispy and catching the light just right.
It was such an unexpected find and it, along with the birdhouse that I love, lifted my spirits after the disappointment of finding the conservatory closed.
On the way out, these bright red berries put a cheery closing to a trip that didn't go the way I had thought it would but had been well worth it.