This morning I finally got myself in gear enough to run at least part of my trek on the trail so that I could finish earlier and have some quiet time in
my favorite spot. As I sat down, I opened up
Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God and flipped to the start of the chapter following the one I had apparently meditated on last time I opened it. The scripture for the chapter was from Ephesians (which we are studying this week in Disciple). Ahem. God thing #1 for the morning.
As I looked around me after reading the chapter, I caught a glimpse of six or seven smooth, flat rocks piled one on top of another on a large stone in the middle of the creek. I instantly thought, "Someone built an altar." That very thought was part of a moving UMW program I was at a week ago based on Barbara Brown Taylor's
An Altar in the World. The book is about spiritual practices and I can't wait to start reading it. Spying the altar this morning was further nudging in that direction (and was God thing #2 for the morning).
As I am checking my e-mail on my way to my office, I read the following from my Scripture-a-Day e-mail:
That scripture is one that pierced my heart almost a year ago at a women's retreat. Pair that with the picture of a dandelion, on the same day that my black and white photo posting for my 365 project was the one at the top of today's post...God thing #3.
Yesterday, our pastors preached to us about making quiet spaces in our lives to listen for God. And, today, when I carved out some time for Him after some weeks of depriving myself of it, I heard Him.