

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the exceeding greatness of the power may be of God, and not from ourselves.-2 Corinthians 4:7

"Earthly"/"Earthen"...taking some liberties today but I think the photo-a-day challenge is meant to stretch thinking, so I imagine it will be ok even though there is that rule follower in me that is cringing. (I really love another Biblical translation of "earthen vessels" more: "jars of clay".)


(grace) cover(s and cleans)

I have seen what man can do
When the evil lives inside of you
Many are the weak
And the strong are few
But with the water
We'll start anew

Well, won't you take me down to the levy
Take me down to the stream
Take my down to the water
We're gonna wash our souls clean
Take me down to the river
Take me down to the lake
Yes, we'll all go together
We're gonna do it for the good Lord's sake



Someone wise this past week said that we should live in the moment. It seemed like the right thing to do with this directive was to stop for a swing during my walk today.



I know that the Spirit is in this place.

In papers written.
In the silent meditation of Monday morning worship.
In pastoral roll play.
In between the frames.
In tales of best laid worship plans gone awry.
In a bishop's laughter.
In creative ways to enliven Christian education, enthusiastically shared.
In the wisdom of mentors.
In a vision of church parking lots filled.
In the balm of Gilead.
In hymns and hymns repeated.
In the wind of Pentecost.
In sermons of peers.
In a butterbean story.
In ONE baptism remembered.
In time devoted.
In miles travelled.
And in the laughter and fellowship.
Yes, I know that the Spirit is in that place called Licensing School.
Thank you all.



Evil sometimes sits just below the surface of even good things. Want an example? How about one of those many good things that you say "yes" to that you either aren't truly gifted for or called to and that keeps you from that which you are? Or how about the plethora of good things you have on your plate that adds noise to your life and keeps you from hearing God's word for you...or even knowing Him at all?



The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours;The world and all its fullness, You have founded them. -Psalm 89:11



Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?-Isaiah 58:6



For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.
-1 Corinthians 13:12

Synchronicity again today as I took the above photo for the Lenten photo challenge, thinking of that verse from Corinthians...that particular translation with "see in a mirror dimly"...and then I opened my Lenten devotional this morning to a selection by Walter Wangerin called "In Mirrors". I don't even want to try to quote a snippet from it because I hope that you will enjoy it in its entirety instead. 

I do want to share a quote from the introduction of the same Lenten devotional though: "[Lent is] a time to ask God to show us what we really look like." This resonates with me. Lent is a time of reflection on our shortcomings and his mercy, our failings and his grace. It is a time to come to know and to be known. It is a time to be refined. A time to see ourselves...and our God...more clearly, a little less dimly.



Return to Him
He is waiting
Wait for Him
In quiet
Trusting in His grace and mercy

I find it beautiful and full of synchronicity that I turned to a page in my journal this morning with those words written on them. Even more synchronicity when I found these words leading up to them:
He waits for us to return to Him for His mercy and grace. He waits for us. We should wait for Him. In this is our blessing. To quietly, restfully wait and trust in Him. Not to run away, knowing He waits for us. Not to take advantage of His stores of love for us. We should not treat our God like a lover this way. We should rest in His love like we would a human's love. We should trust Him-trust He is enough to not wander and look elsewhere for whatever it is we think we will find that is better.
Return to Him this Lent....this Valentine's Day. Wait for Him in quiet. Trust in His grace and mercy.


who am I?

I am a working mother and wife striving to keep my faith first in every moment.

This is the start of a photo a day challenge for Lent. Got to say that it seems very daunting in places (prophet? injustice?)...but I'll give it a try. Not promising every day will have an entry, but we'll see. (I guarantee March 23 will have an entry. My local peeps know what I mean.)


sing along...throwback style

Another quiet Saturday morning...another 8tracks mix from me to you. This time, some oldies from my CD collection. I can (and will) sing along to every one of these tunes. One of my personal favorites is included...a deep track from the Culture Club. Hope you will give it a listen and enjoy.


lenten thoughts

Lent starts soon...very soon...and all of the introspection that comes with it. I found myself putting together a somewhat heavy mix of music with things that will make you go "hmmmm" if you listen to the words. Plus, there is a collection of instrumental music in the middle that I have recommended before for contemplation. The set lightens up with more hopeful thoughts at the end. Enjoy.