
The Gospel All Around Us

I went to the gardens Wednesday for some quiet time during lunch. I had spent several days working on something that was very exciting, but also a little draining. Time at one of my favorite places was warranted. I worked my way past the Kayser Lily Pool where I was soon joined by a group of school kids who were wondering just how deep that pool was and what would happen if one of them stepped in.
Moving on, I headed to the Dunn Formal Rose Garden. This garden was given to the gardens in memory of William J. Dunn, Jr. When I worked at my prior job, I had the absolute pleasure to work with his family and his lovely, lovely widow. One of my favorite things to do every year was to meet with her about her personal taxes. She was a giving woman, supportive of several small town churches and their pastors. It's nice to think about her and her family when I stroll through this beautiful garden.
My favorite rose is the Mardi Gras Rose. I'm not big on taking note of names of roses, but this was one I spotted at the Mable Ringling Garden (it's the rose at the top of that post). I was quick to look for and find it at the Botanical Gardens. Look how beautiful the colors blend.
There were many other roses in bloom still so I had to stop and take a few more pictures.

I wound my way through the Ireland Old-Fashioned Rose Garden and up past the lily and iris gardens and found a place to sit and reflect on that day's Path Finder task. The bench at the top of today's post is where I was. It was shady, some azaleas were in bloom and the temperature was perfect. However, my back couldn't take sitting on that bench for as long as I would have liked. After a few minutes' pause, I headed back out.

This morning, I found this quote which perfectly sums up why I love the gardens and the sky so much and why I take so many pictures of them:
God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars.-Martin Luther
Happy Saturday, everyone! I hope you each can get out and read the Gospels in the beauty God surrounded us with!

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